Education in the Media: Friday 14 December 2018
Today our blog looks further at the Key Stage 2 statistics released yesterday, as well as a story about a grammar school actively working to improve access for disadvantaged pupils.
Today our blog looks further at the Key Stage 2 statistics released yesterday, as well as a story about a grammar school actively working to improve access for disadvantaged pupils.
In today’s blog we will discuss a study from Durham University about primary schools, our national key stage 2 results and our announcement for celebrations of 100 years of votes for women.
Today’s news review looks at primary school sizes and one-to-one tuition time for University students.
Today’s news review examines coverage of primary school offer day, and a report into the skills of the UK’s workforce. Primary offer day On Tuesday, 18 April, parents found out...
Today’s news review examines coverage of our fairer funding announcement, the Key Stage 2 results tables and a UCAS report.
Today’s news review looks at figures published in Parliament that reveal the difference a grammar school education can make to disadvantaged children and the More Than a Score coalition.
...the 2018 to 2019 academic year. New guidance on the moderation of the teacher assessed Key Stage 2 writing test will be introduced. These have been developed in conjunction with...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the expansion of the south Asian ‘mastery’ approach to maths teaching, and the Church of England's plans to open 125 free schools. Shanghai...