Education in the media: 15 September 2017

Today’s news review looks at primary assessment and the national funding formula.
Today’s news review looks at primary assessment and the national funding formula.
...was reported today that HSBC customers will now be able to choose from 10 different gender neutral titles to help the bank to be more transgender-friendly. The bank has also...
Today’s news review examines coverage of our fairer funding announcement, the Key Stage 2 results tables and a UCAS report.
...the profession. This will be accompanied by mandatory training for local authority test moderators to ensure it is applied in a consistent way. The proposal to introduce statutory maths and...
Today, 19 October 2016, Education Secretary Justine Greening announced new proposals to provide clarity for primary school teachers over the way their pupils are assessed. These proposals including a pledge not to introduce any new tests before 2018, will bring …
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the Key Stage 2 results we released yesterday.
...chosen to take this damaging action instead of continuing with the programme of talks with the Department. As she made clear in her letter, the NUT should share the Department’s...