Education in the media: 8 March 2017

Today’s news review examines inaccurate claims about school funding reported by the Guardian. School funding The Guardian published a piece last night, 7 March, based on concerns about school funding...
Today’s news review examines inaccurate claims about school funding reported by the Guardian. School funding The Guardian published a piece last night, 7 March, based on concerns about school funding...
...who do not necessarily benefit from the pupil premium but whose families may be only just about managing. It also increases the total funding directed specifically to deprived pupils to...
Today’s news review looks at criticism from six teaching unions on the National Funding Formula (NFF) and new analysis from research company High Fliers on the graduate recruitment market.
Today, the Secretary of State gave an oral statement to Parliament setting out our fairer funding proposals for schools and high needs.
Today’s news review looks at our plans to encourage independent schools to set up or sponsor a local state school in order to drive improvements in education, and local concerns in West Sussex about school funding. Independent schools Today, Monday …
Today’s news review looks at coverage of yesterday’s school funding announcement and the mandatory reporting consultation launched yesterday. School funding Yesterday, 21 July, the Education Secretary Justine Greening made a...
Today’s education news review looks at a North Powerhouse report published by TeachFirst and the IPPR. Northern Powerhouse report Teach First and the IPPR have published a report about the...