Education in the media: Friday 20 April
Today’s blog looks at how the Department has been helping schools and teachers ahead of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into effect and apprenticeships at the Hilton Hotel Group.
Today’s blog looks at how the Department has been helping schools and teachers ahead of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into effect and apprenticeships at the Hilton Hotel Group.
Today’s blog looks at school funding and outcomes for graduates.
Today's Education in the Media blog looks at misleading claims being made about school funding.
Today’s education in the media blog looks at the national funding formula, school finances, record numbers of mothers going back to work and the reversal of the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia.
Today’s news review looks at misleading errors in a Telegraph piece.
...the new formula comes in – with head teachers citing they will have to cut resources and staff. The majority of the figures in the piece are, however, incorrect. The...
...pupil’s address and school details may be requested. It is right that we share school or address data if it helps to keep a child safe from harm or to...
Today’s news review will look at inaccurate claims by the NUT and ATL about school funding, and media reports about the Early Years census.
In response to recent media coverage, please find below some further information which sets out the rationale for collecting new data on nationality, country of birth and English language proficiency through the School Census, and corrects some misconceptions about who …
Today’s news review looks at inaccurate claims made about term time holidays.