Education in the media: 14 March 2017

Today’s news review looks at a survey from YoungMinds into mental health provision in schools and a speculative piece from the Times on the National Funding Formula.
Today’s news review looks at a survey from YoungMinds into mental health provision in schools and a speculative piece from the Times on the National Funding Formula.
Today’s news review looks at sex and relationship education, support staff in schools and mental health.
Today’s news review takes a look at coverage of a campaign calling for schools to do more to promote positive body image.
...for boys the proportion is only very slightly smaller. This is a growing issue many parents and teachers are having to deal with on a daily basis. At such a...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of an announcement on mental health provision in schools, further coverage of plans to create more grammar school places and coverage of the Higher Education and Research Bill.
Today’s news review looks at comments from Sir Anthony Seldon about measuring well-being in schools and a new OECD report looking at the cost of childcare in Britain. Well-being league...
...BBC Online, ITV, the Daily Mail, the Huffington Post and Sky News. Coverage of the survey, which canvassed opinion from more than 1,600 girls and young women between 7-21, largely...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of former children’s laureate Michael Morpurgo’s views on school tests and the resignation of head teacher Jo Garton. School tests and reading Former children's...
...a report into the life experiences of girls. The report looks at the factors affecting girls including educational attainment, teenage pregnancy, body image and poverty. The report suggests that there...
Today’s news review looks at coverage about educational psychologists, and calls for more lessons in online safety in schools. Educational psychologists On Thursday, 1 September, the Association of Educational Psychologists...