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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Can sports days go ahead and will I be able to attend? We answer your questions

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Many schools will have broken up for the summer holidays by the time national restrictions ease on 19 July. This means that while schools and colleges will be able to hold the traditional end of term sports day, they may be slightly different than in previous years for both pupils and their parents.

We’ve answered your questions.

Will sports days still be able to go ahead?

Yes. Outdoor events like sports days can go ahead in line with existing restrictions such as maintaining class or year-group bubbles and regular cleaning of sports equipment.

Will parents and families be able to attend sports days?

It’s up to schools to risk assess their sports day plans and decide if it is appropriate to invite spectators. Any spectators must stick to social distancing requirements and legal gathering limits where, outdoors, spectators can gather in separate groups of up to 30. This means, dependent on the size of the area available, multiple groups of 30 could theoretically attend events as long as there is no mixing between groups at any stage.

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