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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

NAO report on Ofsted

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Today, Thursday  24 May, following a report from the National Audit Office about Ofsted, there has been media coverage regarding the frequency of Ofsted inspections for good or outstanding schools.

Ofsted inspections give headteachers the information they need to raise standards and there are currently 1.9 million more pupils in good or outstanding schools than in 2010, thanks to the hard work of teachers and our reforms.

Please see our statement in response below.

School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said:

Ofsted receives more than £40m a year to provide a school inspection regime that is focused on the schools that need the most improvement. We have repeatedly made clear that we want to ensure accountability is proportionate, helps to ensure standards in our schools are high and does not distract high-performing schools from what matters most – teaching and providing an excellent education.

If Ofsted has reason to believe a school is no longer meeting its previous high standards, we would expect it to use its powers to carry out a full inspection -  this has always been the case - and remains so.

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