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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Education in the media: 22 August 2017

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Today’s news review looks at misleading errors in a Telegraph piece.

Telegraph errors

Today (Tuesday, 22 August) the Telegraph has reported incorrectly that Ofqual has raised concerns that children could get the wrong grades due to the introduction of the new numerical grading system.

The reporter looked at an Ofqual report that had nothing to do with numerical grading but applied some of its conclusions to the new 9 to 1 system. The result is a story that Ofqual itself described as “inaccurate and misleading”.

The truth is that our new gold standard GCSEs are the culmination of a six year process during which we worked closely with Ofqual. The new system, which grades pupils from 9 to 1 with 9 being the highest grade, allows for greater differentiation between students and better reflects achievement.

Ofqual has today issued the following statement:

Today's Daily Telegraph (22 Aug) contains both inaccurate and misleading statements in relation to new GCSEs. The assessment of new GCSEs has been designed to support 9 to 1 grading and we have not 'warned' about their use as suggested. The Ofqual report cited is not a commentary on the new grades and the selected excerpts within the story are taken completely out of context.

For more information on GCSE reform, click here.

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