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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Education in the media: 5 December 2016

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Today’s news review looks at coverage of a report into the positive effects selective education can have on social mobility.

Centre for social justice on selective education and social mobility

The Centre for Social Justice has today, 5 December, published a report that suggests grammar schools should be built in the poorest areas as they help improve social mobility and break the cycle of disadvantage.

The story has been covered by the Times and the Guardian in print and by the Sun, Mail Online and Politics Home on the internet.

The Centre for Social Justice’s report echoes the findings of a report by the think tank Respublica that talked about the benefits grammar schools can have on disadvantaged areas.

The Centre for Social Justice’s report looks at the country more widely and suggests that grammar schools should focus their attention on disadvantaged communities and lower the attainment gap between rich and poor by ensuring all those with talent are given equal opportunities to have that talent nurtured in a selective school.

The report says: “It is high time that children from more deprived families were given the same educational opportunities as those from the wealthiest in society, and a well-designed selective system could do this.”

School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said:

This report recognises the transformative impact grammar schools can have on the lives of disadvantaged young people. We want to harness that ability to create more good school places for every child, irrespective of their background, so they can fulfil their potential.


We are already making progress towards this aim with almost 1.8 million more pupils in good or outstanding schools than in 2010 – but we know there is more to do. That’s precisely why we have set out plans to make more good school places available, including scrapping the ban on new grammar school places, and harnessing the resources and expertise of universities, independent and faith schools.

Have your say on our grammar schools consulation that ends on 20 December.

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