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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Nicky Morgan's response to Education Select Committee's report on Amanda Spielman

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Today Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has confirmed that Amanda Spielman remains her preferred candidate for the role of Chief Inspector of Ofsted.

It follows a report by the Education Select Committee which said that despite Ms Spielman's wealth of experience they had concerns about her being appointed.

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said:

I chose Amanda Spielman as my preferred candidate for Chief Inspector of Ofsted because I was impressed by her leadership, and absolute determination to raise standards to ensure every child gets the excellent education they deserve. That view was echoed by an independently chaired panel and her nomination has been supported by people from across the sector.


As I have said I was disappointed that the decision wasn’t shared by the committee who I believe have underestimated her. Having considered their response, I remain 100% confident in my decision and will continue with the pre-appointment process.


I believe Ms Spielman will make a highly effective leader of Ofsted who will not shy away from challenging government, schools or local authorities to ensure the best for our children and under her watch Ofsted will play a hugely important role in driving improvement in childcare, schools, children’s services and adult learning.

The Education Secretary's letter in response to the Education Select Committee's report can be found here.

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