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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Response to UK Statistics Authority

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On Monday, 8 October, the UK Statistics Authority sent a letter from Sir David Norgrove to the department regarding use of statistics.

Education Secretary Damian Hinds has responded to the letter. Please see a copy of the letter here.

Further information on UK government spend on education

•         Among G7 countries, the UK government spent the highest percentage of GDP on institutions delivering primary and secondary education in 2015 (3.8%), and above the OECD and EU22 averages (3.2% and 3.0% respectively). [table C2.2]

•         The UK is above all G7 countries bar the US, and above the OECD and EU22 averages, on total government expenditure on primary and secondary educational institutions per student. It spent 9,565 USD on average per full time equivalent student, compared to 11,338 in the US, 8,805 in the OECD, and 8,749 in EU22 in 2015 [table C1.5].

•         And the UK’s government expenditure on institutions delivering primary and secondary education as a percentage of total government expenditure was also the highest in the G7, at 9.3%, and above the OECD and EU22 averages of 8.1% and 7.0% respectively [table C4.1].

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